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Traffic Service Requests


As a result of feedback in the community about speeding in our neighbourhood, The West Grove Homeowners' Association has met with Calgary Police Service and would like to make sure you are aware of completing a Traffic Service Request through the Calgary Police Service webpage.  Formerly this service was available through the City of Calgary.


Numerous people have already completed this service request and we encourage you to do the same, as the city will respond (more timely) to numerous requests.

To report an ongoing traffic concern related to the following:

• Speeding Issues
• School or Playground Zones
• Trucks/Commercial Vehicles
• Pedestrian Safety Issues
• Intersection Safety Issues
• Motorcycle Issues
• Illegal Turns

Where can I find a TSR to complete? 

The TSR is available on the Calgary Police Service website or click here to go directly to the page

Neighbourhood safety tips from the Calgary Police

Your neighbourhood is your first line of defence - burglars don't like watchful neighbours who are collectively interested in the security of their neighbourhoods. Next, look at your yard and neighbourhood from the burglar's point of view. These safety tips may help:

  • Trim trees and bushes that could hide burglars.

  • Pay particular attention to trees growing near your house. Could a burglar climb a tree to get onto the roof, then enter through an unlocked upper story window.

  • Keep your yard maintained to give the house a lived-in appearance. Cut grass, rake leaves, remove dead branches and debris.

  • Install outside lights to brighten dark areas around doors or windows.

  • Look at the outside of your house. Make sure emergency personnel can easily see your address from the street, even at night. Then check your doors, windows and other outside openings.


While not an official HOA site there is a "West Grove Estates Families" Facebook page, which is a private group for residents of West Grove Estates. We invite you to join the page and extend your contacts within the community.  For a quick link to our Facebook page please click the icon at the bottom of the screen.

West Grove Estates Calgary

  • Wix Facebook page
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